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what the fuck’s the internet?

what the fuck’s the internet?

When Gretchen and I moved into our apartment, we bought very few new things because we had so many yardsaled, goodwilled, and hand-me-down housewares that we didn’t need much. Lamar and Amy let us borrow an extra TV they had and weren’t using, along with Amy’s old modem from before they moved in together. We … Continue reading

an unintentional hiatus

If you hang around here, you probably have noticed that this blog has been comatose for several weeks. What happened was, I got promoted at work and then I went to Wittenberg for Homecoming weekend and trudged through the freezing rain just to get to the bar, drank keg beer while surrounded by basketball players … Continue reading

Fill in the Blank Friday

Fill in the Blank Friday

I’m linking up with Lauren at the little things we do for this week’s Fill in the Blank Friday. 1.  My first memory is  from when I was really young and so small that I couldn’t really go up and down the stairs. I have this hazy memory of climbing down our basement stairs backwards … Continue reading

The Ridges in Athens, Ohio

The Ridges in Athens, Ohio

This past weekend I went back to Ohio yet again to visit my friend Bree, who is a grad student at Ohio University. She lives at The Summit, a newer apartment complex built on top of a treacherous hill south of campus, just next door to what is now known as The Ridges — a … Continue reading

down the rabbit hole

down the rabbit hole

For the record: I love the internet. I hate Facebook, could live without Pinterest, and have never gotten that into YouTube, but I adore Twitter, the blog world, and the endless possible destinations that the internet offers to people with short attention spans and naturally curious dispositions. The other day I was hanging out in my living … Continue reading

women and machinery do not mix

Okay listen: I have a lot of pet peeves, but one of the big ones is when people refuse to admit they are wrong. In the same vein, I hate when men refuse to fold and acknowledge that technology has bested them. For example: I have had two different stereos in my car and I … Continue reading

images of idiocy

Halloween is probably my favorite holiday because I love scary movies, candy, drinking, and apparently any opportunity to dress up and make myself look like a complete fool. When I was trying to come up with a costume this year, I was lamenting the fact that I’m extremely lazy and also extremely cheap, two things … Continue reading