Filed under food

Lunchroom Law

Lunchroom Law

These are a few laws of the lunchroom that I wish more people would abide by. I would formally decree them if I could. 1. You are not allowed to bring in any form of leftover fish and heat it up in the microwave. It’s gross, and inconsiderate of everyone around you who has to … Continue reading

SNACK ATTACK: Banana Nice Cream

SNACK ATTACK: Banana Nice Cream

Artwork by Erin Flynn I saw this recipe on the Whole Foods website and decided to try it because it sounded super easy and delicious. For this snack you will need: 2 bananas, sliced and frozen 1 cup soy milk 2 tablespoons almond butter The great thing about this recipe is that it’s a good … Continue reading

the Indiana State Fair

the Indiana State Fair

The Indiana State Fair is pretty much exactly the same as the Ohio State Fair, so of course I had to go. Who doesn’t love fried food, carnival rides, barnyard animals, and people watching? Our first stop was the apple cider slush/corn on the cob booth. A weird combination, but both were delicious. Colin made … Continue reading

July Foodie Pen Pals

July Foodie Pen Pals

If you aren’t familiar with Foodie Pen Pals, it’s this awesome monthly exchange where bloggers and blog readers mail each other packages of delicious food items. It’s a way to try new things and meet new people, and I highly recommend trying it out. I got a lot of good stuff when I participated in June, and … Continue reading

SNACK ATTACK: Baked Egg Cups

SNACK ATTACK: Baked Egg Cups

Artwork by Erin Flynn If you don’t own a set of ramekins, you need to fix that asap. I pretty much bought mine just so that I could make baked eggs after seeing this recipe on HelloGiggles, but I’m looking forward to trying them with some other delicious recipes too. I got my set of 4 porcelain ramekins at … Continue reading

June Foodie Pen Pal package

June Foodie Pen Pal package

I don’t even remember how I stumbled across Lindsay’s Foodie Pen Pal exchange, but I’m so glad I did. What a brilliant idea — bloggers and blog readers from all over the country (and Canada and the UK) get matched up to send each other packages of food, and then blog about it. If you’re new … Continue reading

SNACK ATTACK: French Bread Pizza Bites

SNACK ATTACK: French Bread Pizza Bites

Artwork by Erin Flynn I snagged this recipe from a YouTube video that was included on Molls Snack Playlist, which was also partially the inspiration for this series on my blog. Here’s an inspirational quote for you guys from the one and only Molls: “Snack on whatever you want. Don’t let anyone hold you down. … Continue reading

SNACK ATTACK: Recipes For Lazy People

SNACK ATTACK: Recipes For Lazy People

Introducing… This is the beginning of a new series here at Dressed to Chill. I can’t say how often these posts will happen, but I have a few recipes stashed away that I plan to feature on SNACK ATTACK. As you’ll notice, the tagline to this series is “Recipes for lazy people” — the idea … Continue reading